I developed two scripts for finding information in binary files.
The first one measures the string entropy and displays the results:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# find-entropy.py
# A simple Utility to measure entropy of strings.
# Usage should be something like this:
# $ strings file.txt | python find-entropy.py
# The preset criteria of 3.75 should weed out most non-human created strings
import math
import string
import sys
def shannon_entropy(data):
Adapted from http://blog.dkbza.org/2007/05/scanning-data-for-entropy-anomalies.html
by way of truffleHog (https://github.com/dxa4481/truffleHog)
if not data:
return 0
entropy = 0
for x in string.printable:
p_x = float(data.count(x)) / len(data)
if p_x > 0:
entropy += - p_x * math.log(p_x, 2)
return entropy
for line in sys.stdin:
entropy = shannon_entropy(line)
if entropy > 3.75:
print (line[:-1], entropy)
The second script searches for compressed data that doesn’t have a header attached to it. If you have embedded compressed data with headers, you are better off using binwalk.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# find-data.py
# A small script to bruteforce embedded compressed data that might not have a header
# Useful for raw binary firmware images that do not contain a standard
# binary header (ELF, PE, MACH-O).
# I included a limt on size at 16KB because this has a tendency to create
# lots of small files, which are generally false positives.
# I usually run this over every firmware image I need to analyze.
# Usage: python find-data.py "filename.bin"
import zlib
import sys
import lzma
import bz2
import zipfile
LIMIT = 1024 * 16
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as compressed_data:
compressed_data = compressed_data.read()
for i in range(len(compressed_data)):
unzipped = zlib.decompress(compressed_data[i:], -zlib.MAX_WBITS)
if len(unzipped) > LIMIT:
print ('GZIP: Offset found', i)
with open('./result-gz-' + str(i) + '.bin', 'w') as result:
except Exception as ex:
unzipped = lzma.decompress(compressed_data[i:])
if len(unzipped) > LIMIT:
print ('LZMA: Offset Found', i)
with open('./result-lzma-' + str(i) + '.bin', 'w') as result:
except Exception as ex:
unzipped = bz2.decompress(compressed_data[i:])
if len(unzipped) > LIMIT:
print ('BZ2: Offset Found', i)
with open('./result-bz2-' + str(i) + '.bin', 'w') as result:
except Exception as ex: