# Example of Base URL: http://sg001-vod.sliq.net/00285-vod/_definst_/2016/03/House%20in%20Session_2016-03-22-13.58.50_2461_2.mp4
# MAX only works up to 999 because of "seq -f "%03g". Change "%03g" as your order of magnitude increases.
for i in $(seq -f "%03g" 0 $MAX); do
wget "$BASEURL/media_$i.ts" -O /tmp/video-$i.mp4
# change the ulimit -n 1024 to a higher number if your MAX ever gets higher than 900 or so.
ulimit -n 1024
# Must have FFMPEG installed for this to work
ffmpeg -i concat:"$(ls /tmp/*.mp4 | tr '\n' '|')" -codec copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc output.mp4